| Organization structure |
Ing. Ján Sabol
Ing. Igor Šoltinský
Ing. Peter Hruška
Ing. Václav Kotulič
Ing. Ondrej Kromka
Manager of company
Manager of company
Director of realization section
Director for economy and finance
Director of business section
Buildings for dwelling
Non-residential buildings administration, education, health care, business and services
Buildings and halls for production and services
Halls for sport, culture and business
Tanks, reservoirs and pits
Roads and mixed communications
Water distribution systems
Local sewerage system of WWTP
Industrial structures
Sport playgrounds
Turn key implementation
Specialization of building production
Common foundations
Monolithic concrete (tanks, skeletons)
Water conduits
Sewerage system
Communications and parking lots
Steel structures
Common masonry works, assembly of
prefabricated structures
Poured floors
Demolition works
The establishment of the company SCORP, spol. s r.o. was preceded by cooperation of current executives within the Scorp Association since 1990.
SCORP limited company was registered at Commercial register at the date 4th of December 1992.
SCORP buildings
© SCORP, spol. s r.o. Michalovce, all rights reserved